Monday, September 3, 2018

Reading Notes: Rama Wins Sita, Part A.

I found the story Rama Wins Sita which can be found in the Ramayana public domain a very interesting. In this story, Shiva has a very beautiful daughter that he is wanting to wed. Therefore, he sets a challenge that the majority of people cannot successfully face. He has a bow that he wants a worthy individual to bend and break. This will thus show that this individual is worthy enough and strong enough to wed the beautiful Sita. After many failed attempts at breaking the bow, a prince named Rama finally attempts to break the bow of Shiva. Rama is Dasharatha's son. As Rama takes the bow he plucks it, and with all his might bends the bow and it finally breaks! As the bow breaks a loud thunder was released and the crowd was stunned. Therefore, since Rama broke the bow, he was able to wed the beautiful Sita.

For my story, I will be changing the characters. However, at this moment, I am not sure who I will be changing them too. I also may include a character that is just as worthy as Rama to break the bow. Therefore, they may potentially have to face each other in an epic battle to win the heart of Sita. There is a lot of potential surprises and twists that I may be able to add in this type of story. I may even have the Rama character lose to his adversary and therefore have to go on a journey to get Sita back. Ultimately the Rama character will be winning Sita. I will also be changing the challenge that the people with have to complete in order to win Sita.

The Bow of Shiva: Pixabay 

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