Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Week 5 Story: Thor Finds Abigail

Thor eventually realized that Abigail had been kidnapped and was living with a decoy for about a month! Distraught and furious, he focused his anger towards the decoy that played him. Thor interrogated the "fake Abigail" for a couple of days until finally, Loki's handmaiden told him the location of his wife. Graciously Thor released the handmaiden. Eventually, Thor mustered up a plan and made his way to the location of his wife called Lanka. As Thor approached the city, he saw that Loki was equipped with a massive army of demons. However, the mighty Thor was unafraid! Fueled with rage, he battled for three days, slaying wave after wave of demons. Hela, the general of the army was growing anxious because she was losing all her troops. Fearfully she made her way to Loki to discuss a plan.

"Loki Thor has slaughtered over 75% of our troops! We need you to help us on the battleground. Or you can just give up Abigail and we can flee?!"

"I will never give her up Hela! She is mine! I will fight Thor this very day and have his lifeless corpse by the next!"

Hela was very afraid of Thor. Therefore, she abandoned Loki and fled. 

Loki made his way to Thor with what remained of his soldiers.

"Loki where is Abigail? Bring her to me and I will leave you with your life!"

"She remains in my palace Thor! However, if you want her back you will have to go through me!"

Therefore Thor and Loki fought a mighty battle. Thor used his lightning to zap Loki. However, Loki, being the god of deception shapeshifted hundreds of himself to fool Thor. Thor was unable to identify who the true Loki was. Each time he zapped one Loki away, another appeared. This went on for some time until Thor's friend Brahma came to aid him. Brahma gave Thor his weapon the Brahmashirsha Astra to use on Loki. Thor shot Brahma's weapon into the air and as he watched, it made its way to the true Loki and pierced him through his heart. The battle finally ended. This day, Thor got back Abigail. However, unfortunately, he lost a brother. 

Thor: DeviantArt

Authors note: For this weeks story, I did a null of the stories The battle of Rama and Ravana and Ravana's Death by Donald A. Mackenzie. For my story, I changed my characters to Thor, Loki, Hela, and Abigail. However, I still kept some characteristics from the Ramayana such as Rama fighting the demons at Lanka, and using the weapon of Brahma to defeat Ravana and ultimately win back Sita. 


  1. Hi Corbin. I really enjoyed getting a chance to read your week 5 story. I think it was very creative. You did a great job of combining elements of the Ramayana with characters such as Thor that are a bit more familiar in pop culture. You also do a great job of capturing the reader’s attention and engaging them throughout.

  2. Hi Corbin,
    Your story was very compelling. I liked your new spin on the original. I was curious about who Abigail and Lanka were and their role in the action. I really liked how you drew on a similar feud most people would be familiar with to illustrate the story we are all learning about. Great job!

  3. Hi Corbin!
    I really loved reading your story! I thought it was very creative to write about the Ramayana and change the characters to Marvel characters to make it more modern. I'm a Marvel fan so it was fun to read about Rama and Sita's story through these characters. When the weapon killed the real Loki, did the fake ones die too? Also, how was Hela able to fled the battle? Like, I feel Loki would be so mad would have done something to stop Hela. You did a good job including details and keeping the story interesting. One suggestion would be in your author's note I would specify which character played who from the original story. Like Abigail was Sita and Thor was Rama. Also, another thing you could add would be a short background on how Loki is Thor's brother at the beginning of the story. Overall, I enjoyed reading your story and you did a good job!

  4. Hey Corbin,

    This story was such a great read! I was driven in even more because of your character usage. Thor is one of my all time favorites from marvel and you happen to use it in your story!
