Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Week 3 Story: Abigail's Kidnapping

It was a beautiful day across the galaxy. Every person, animal, and other strange mutant creatures were excited to finally see who would wed the gorgeous Abigail. Abigail was the daughter of the oldest, fiercest, and most powerful celestial beings that have ever inhabited the galaxy (Corbus). After many years of never finding a companion of her own, Corbus let known to all that there will be a challenge for the hand of his daughter. Now, this was not a simple challenge. A worthy adversary had to be able to withstand the full blast of a neutron star in order to demonstrate his strength and resilience.

The crowd roared and cheered as they watched the hundreds of thousands of champions fail at Corbus's dwelling. It finally seemed as though no one would be able to live up to his challenge and wed his daughter. However, here arrived a prince by the name of Thor.

"I am Thor, son of Oden and Prince of Asgard! I will complete your challenged and wed your daughter!"

The mighty Corbus chuckled at Thors Confidence. However, he was somewhat intrigued by it. Therefore, he let Thor proceed with the challenge and to a great surprise, Thor withstood the full blast of the neutron star. On this very day, Thor and Abigail were wedded and would be remembered in history forever.

Unfortunately, Thor's brother (Loki) was angry because he was unable to wed the beautiful Abigail and sought to kill Thor and take her as his own. He planned with Hela (the goddess of death), which happened to be Thor's sister, on how to destroy Thor.

Loki entered Hela's dwelling in Hell and planned.

"Loki how shall we proceed?"

"I have a great plan Hela! I will turn into a golden bear and make myself seen by Abigail. She loves bears and will want Thor to capture me. As Thor leaves to capture me, you can then disguise yourself as a priest and convince Abigail to follow you. Once she is with you, use your spells to put her to sleep and bring her here."

"Loki this plan seems sounds, but what will we do with Thor? he will come looking for her?!"

"Yes this may be true, but I am the god of deception. Therefore, I will shapeshift my handmaiden into what seems to be Abigail and Thor will never know!"

"That sounds great! let us carry through with the plan."

Thor was eventually convinced by Abigail to catch the golden bear. As he left for his hunt, Hela made her way to Abigail and kidnapped her, while also leaving behind the decoy. Thor made his way back home disappointed because he had lost the golden bear. However, things did not seem right at home. To Thor, Abigail seemed a little different.

Authors Note: I did a spin-off from the stories The ChaseRavana & Sita, and Rama Wins Sita by Donald A. Mackenzie from this week's readings. I completely changed the characters to Thor, Loki, and Hela from the Marvel comic books. I also changed the challenge in which the warriors had to complete in order to win the girl. Originally, the champions had to break a bow to win the game. However, in my story, the champions had to withstand the blast of a neutron star. I also changed the animal that was used to deceive the main character. Originally it was a golden dear, but I changed mine to a golden bear. Also, the main character in my story did not end up killing his adversary as he did in the original story. 

Picture of Thor: Pixabay 


  1. Hi Corbin! Great job on your story, it was a fun read. At first when I started reading it, I had to double check and make sure I was in the right class. After I recognized Sita and Rama's story, I was really impressed with your ability to tie together these two powerful myths! Great job and good luck this semester.

  2. Hi Corbin,

    I enjoyed reading your story. This was a very creative and clever take on this excerpt of the reading. I like how you changed the characters and provided a new take on a familiar plot line. I wrote my story over a similar segment from the reading, so getting a chance to read yours was a fun process.

    -Andy McDowell

  3. Hi, Corbin! I love that you put a spin into this story by changing it to The Marvel Universe. Also, I was very impressed how you did so while remaining so true to the original story. You also transitioned to space with ease. Very well done! The original story is about a deception to lure the main protagonist away. Loki was a perfect character to come up with the scheme.

  4. Hey Corbin! I really liked the premise of your story – both how you changed it into Marvel characters and how you mixed those stories together. Your story also reminded me a little of Ahalya, who was turned into a rock, because she was cursed by her husband since she slept with a god disguised as her husband; Thor now will be with someone disguised as Abigail instead of the real thing.

  5. Hi Corbin! Your story is too awesome. I loved how you changed the original characters to one of the marvels for your new story. Your layout was amazing as well. Who knew that your characters were fighting for the girl at the end. It’s also sweet that your main character did not end up killing his adversary as he did from the original story. Keep up the great work!
