Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Reading Notes, Part B, The Burning of the Forest

For today's reading of the Mahabharata, I would like to focus on the story, The Burning of the Forest by John Mandeville Macfie.

In this story, Arjuna and Krishna go on an adventure together. The story starts off by describing a party that Krishna and Arjuna are at. There are a lot of people there with women and they are drinking a lot. They drink to the point that they have an unsteady gait. Next, as Arjuna and Krishna are sitting together, drinking at talking about their adventure, the god of fire Agni comes up to them. Agni goes on to tell them that he is hungry and that he wants food. However, the food he wants is not a normal food. He wants to consume the Khandava forest with fire. However, the god Indra prevents Agni from consuming the forest by drenching it with rain. Therefore, he needs the help of Arjuna and Krishna. Arjuna and Krishna want weapons in return for their help. So, Agni gets them a chariot of weapons and a bow that has an unending quiver of bows. Now that they have their weapons, Arjuna and Krishna fight a big battle with Indra and end up defeating him, thus allowing Agni to consume the Khandava forest.

I would like to change the characters in this story. At this moment, I am not too sure who I will be changing the characters too. I may potentially change the characters to animals. I would also like to change the food source that Agni has to eat. Or, I may write a story from the perspective of Indra. I could go into the reasons why he is protecting the forest in the first place. However, again, at this moment I am not too sure which direction I would like to take my story. Overall, I believe this was a great story!

Forest Fire: Pixabay

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