Thursday, September 13, 2018

Comment Wall

Here is a link to my portfolio: Corbin's Portfolio

Cat and Mice: Sketchport 


  1. Corbin,
    Your take on The Cunning Crane and Crab was very well thought out and enjoyable. I envisioned Tom and Jerry esque characters as I was reading the story, so I'm glad that you intended that! I like that you added names to the characters and had clear dialogue between them. I'm curious to see if you will continue the animal theme throughout your storybook. Overall, your writing is clear and easy to follow. There were a few times that the verb tenses weren't consistent. This is something I struggle with too. I always try to come back and reread my writing a few hours after I've written it to make sure that everything is clear and in the same tense. But overall, this was a creative story and you did a fantastic job writing it!
    The format of your portfolio is very clear and easy to read. I would recommend adding the link to the comment wall to the "home" page just so it's easy to find.

  2. Hi Corbin!

    I liked that you set up the story as a sort of "war." I think that it made the story more intense and gripping. I'm a big fan of character building and I think it be cool to know more about General Cheese or about the two cats. Also, I think that there were times that you did great at conveying the emotion of the characters and there were times that I wish you did more. I liked how you put a link to your comment wall within on your website! So helpful! This story did throw me back to Tom and Jerry and it was a really nostalgic read! Can't wait to see what else you create!

  3. Hi Corbin!
    I appreciate the link you included at the beginning of your story for easy access to the Comments Blog. Have you considered changing the “First Story” llink to the title of your story? I love love love the setting of the stage and the introduction of both the characters and their brewing conflict. Your vocab is stellar: malicious, depleted, prolonged, habitable, inevitable- awesome! General Cheese! Adorable! About halfway through the story I made the connection between it and the Jataka- I’m really impressed by the reimagining, and the ending was great! I appreciate how you spaced things out- what if you included a more in the dialogue to indicate who is speaking? It’s fairly followable but I feel that some clarity could be added in this manner. I also couldn’t help but think of Tom and Jerry while reading this. The moment in which General Cheese dares the cats to make it quick is legendary. What a fun read- thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Corbin!
    I loved your story about the three pigs and the Riddler. It was a great spin on the reading we had this week. I liked the riddle, I was a little ashamed that I could not think of the answer myself. The overall story was incredible. I was very impressed, you have far surpassed my writing skills. Although, that isn't saying much. The three little pigs is a classic story, and it fits so well with the initial story. What if you made the ending a little longer? I feel like you set up and delivered the story so well. However, I felt that the ending was a little abrupt. I wonder how it is the pig pushed the wolf off the bridge. Were they crossing together? These are the only things I could think of for feedback. Overall it was amazing! I just wish the ending flowed a little bit better.

  5. Hi Corbin!

    I honestly didn't think any of the pigs would die and I was sad to see that two of them did. I like that Freedom got away and I like that little pun with his name. I think there could be more descriptions added to the story to intensify the mood. Like, when they cut through the woods you could describe this really creepy, spooky place. Or when they see the wolf you describe his appearance in order to instill some fear in your readers. I liked that used a lot of dialogue to tell your story, but I wish there was more meat to it. Overall, I really enjoyed your story! It reminded me of a fairy tale. It felt like you mixed The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood. The riddle was clever! Did you come up with that? I love riddles. Can't wait to see what else you write!

  6. Hi Corbin,

    I am so glad that I looked through your project website. I absolutely loved your take on the cunning crane and the crab story. I wrote a story based on this same story as well, so I was able to relate to your storytelling strategy very well. You did a great job of developing your characters. It was very much like Tom and Jerry. I think it is great that you included dialogue between the characters. I did that in my story and it seemed to help the flow of the story. This was a very creative story and I am glad that you posted it to your portfolio. You are a great writer. I also enjoy the layout of your website page. It is very easy to navigate and read through. I look forward to seeing the other stories that you craft as the semester progresses. Best of luck!


  7. Hi Corbin. I love how your first story involves the characters of a cat and mouse, that is such a classic and had me intrigued from the beginning. I love a good story that involves two sides that do not get along so it is bound for their to be a fight. I also love trickery so i really liked how you incorporated that in your stories. Your use of dialogue helps me have a great idea of what is going on in the story and shows the characters different personalities. After reading your story and then reading the author's note it was nice seeing how you kept the story similar but also very different in your own way. Also your layout of your website is easy to use, i would only suggest that your first story is before your second so it is a little easier to navigate.

  8. Hey Corbin!
    I really enjoyed reading your stories. I especially liked The Riddle! I think it was very clever of you to use the three little pigs story and twist it to be similar to the Riddles by The Lake story. I also enjoyed the way you told the story because it was easy to read and interesting. I was quite surprised how the pig took revenge for his brothers, although it was completely understandable. Also, I wander if the wolf ever saw the pig's revenge coming. Your story on the cats and dog was very fun to read too. I liked how the dog came in the end to save the mouse. That was a good twist to the story. I would also fix the order of how you posted the stories like have the first story before the second story. Overall, I think you did a great job on your stories!

  9. Hi Corbin!
    Your First Story was quite funny. I particularly enjoyed the character General Cheese. I remember reading this story and also found it pretty interesting. The fact that General Cheese went against his better judgement due to loneliness was interesting. He was so lonely he didn't even fear death anymore. I also thought naming the cats was a good way to make them feel more like the creepy house cats some people might recognize from cartoons, kind of the like the cat from Stuart Little. Why did the mice originally believe the cats? Was it out of desperation to find a better life that blinded their judgement? I liked the cyclical nature of the story with the cats tricking the mice and the dog getting the cats. You might emphasize this by having the dog trick the cats in the same manner rather than simply attacking them. Either way, this is a great portfolio!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Corbin! Your Portfolio looks amazing! I truly love your background layout! It looks simple and classy! Your stories are awesome as well. I love how creative and the imaginations you put in, especially with the Cats and Mice! It was awesome that you created your story into a script as well. It was also very creative that you changed the names of the original characters to the modern names of this century. After reading your story, it actually made me feel like I was in the scene. You pretty much allured the readers into your story which is the point and important overall! Therefore, you did an awesome job at that. Also, you did a wonderful job on providing a descriptive background for your author’s note. It made me understand why you chose this story and how you interpret it into your own. Overall, well done, Corbin! Keep it up!

  12. Hi Corbin! Your portfolio is so impressive. I really love the homepage image that you used because it was so sleek yet captivating. When I read your first story, I was happily surprised to see the relationship of your story to the original, all while seeing the changes as reputable as well. You are very good at engaging the reader, and your style of writing makes your stories very easy to follow along. I kind of felt like your stories resembled old fairytales or fables of childhood, especially the way that you structured your writing and dialogue. I also really appreciated the author's notes at the ends of your story because it made it clear as to what your intentions were for the story, why you made changes, and how it related to the original tale as well. I look forward to reading more stories in your portfolio in the future. Nice work!

  13. Hi Corbin, I really like your blog and the wallpaper that you used for it. I enjoyed both of your stories. As I began reading your first story I realized there was a tense issue in the beginning. It started in past tense but then it was present tense. I like that you used dialogue in your story. It helped add the effect of the war between the animals. General Cheese was such a good name choice! It was a very dramatic ending and I loved everything about this cute little story. I also enjoyed your second story. I love riddles and I think it is awesome that you incorporated it into your story. The riddle was funny. I was expecting to have an elaborate riddle that took years to solve but the one in your story was so simple and I honestly did not even know the answer to that myself.

  14. Hey Corbin! Great stories! I really like how you set up the cat and mice story and how well it flowed! I could picture Tom and Jerry chasing each other, which was a nice way to relate the story to my childhood memories. I think you did a great job at giving a background and why the cats were introduced into the story. The dialogue between the cats and mice flowed really well too! I also liked how the pigs and the wolf story was written! I could clearly see how you combined the three little pigs and little red riding hood. I'm not sure it it was just me, but I also saw the relation between Dora and the bridge crossing scene. Maybe I've seen to many episodes of Dora from my nieces and nephews! Either way, good job and I can't wait to see more of your stories! Keep up the good work!

  15. Hey Corbin,

    Your page looks so nice because of the imagines you have chosen to put on your website. I really enjoyed reading your stories. You have chosen such classic characters for your story. It brings back memories since I used to watch tom and jerry and the stories of the 3 little pigs. That is the classics that reading your story reminded me off. Your story flows so well which made me want to keep reading more of your story, It was a fun read for sure. Your theme and idea is so unique and I am happy you have chosen that. It is a great idea that you used dialogue between your characters. It makes me more into the story when I see characters talk to each other and see what they say. I look forward to reading more of your riddles that remind me of my childhood because I really like them. Keep you the good work!

  16. Hi Corbin! Your first story, Cats and Mice, was a really interesting take on the original. I liked how instead of focusing solely on the mice's' interpretation of events, we also get an insight into the cats as well. I like their dialogue, although the conversation is a little stilted.

    Your second story, the Riddle, was really cute. I liked how you combined elements of both Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs to make the original Indian myth your own. It felt much like a Jataka tale as opposed to a story from the Mahabharata. This story relied a little too much on dialogue, although I really wanted to hear the riddles that the Riddler asked the first two pigs.
    The second story's first paragraph is also a little jumbled. I think if you just rearrange some of the information it will work smoother.

  17. Hi Corbin! I read your fascinating “Cats and Mice” story. I think the story is truly unique, creative, and fun to read. It’s interesting to create a situation of war between cats and mice. Indeed, mice greatly outnumbered cats, but the cats are predators who could eat the mice. I like how you assigned a personality trait to the cats, malicious and cunning. Wow, that’s an amazing element of story that mice had to be sneaky to spare their lives and they consequently suffered from food shortage and limited habitat. It really sounded like a real war! It’s also an interesting to read about how cats could devise a cunning plan to manipulate mice’ emotions and hardship to make them come to negotiating table. I thought it was kind of tragic that most mice believed the cats’ cunning plan naively. I wonder why the mice lacked intelligence and thinking ability like the cats and General Cheese. I know they were tired and exhausted from the war, but were they born with less intelligence? And what if the mice took the wise advice of General Cheese and wasn’t fooled by the cats’ cunning tactic? I bet they could have saved their lives from tragic death. Thank you for a great story!

  18. Hi Corbin! I read The Brave Little Squirrel.

    I was a little confused by the use of the name, the Lost City of Acornlantus. I get that it is a pun on the Lost City of Atlantis, but I wasn't sure how those things are connected. I kept waiting to hear why. So, although it was really cool and clever, if you are going to use it, explain why.

    The giant block of text when the characters are talking makes it really confusing to know who is speaking and doing what. Instead of putting into one paragraph, you should make a new one each time someone different speaks. Dialogue doesn't follow the normal paragraph rules. Each new speaker needs a new paragraph. This also works for when someone new is introduced into a scene and stuff.

    I like the idea behind the characters. Their personalities come out, although I think you could really put some emphasis behind it. You can make Steve, the big and brawny squirrel, standing in the battlefield with his knees knocking. Thomas can have his chest puffed out and his eyes narrowed as he stands firm in his position. The story is good right now, but I think you can really give their characters some more description.

    Overall, really clever story. I really enjoyed that it was different. I also really like how all of your stories continue using animals as replacements for the human characters in the originals. It makes your stories feel much more like fables, which it pretty original. Good work!

  19. Hey Corbin! I absolutely love your project site. You have really put in some hard work into your stories and they are so good. In your Brave Little Squirrel story, you have done a really great job making clever changes. The story is fantastic, but there are a few aesthetic changes you might want to make. Breaking up the dialogue from a massive block into lines might make it a little easier to follow. Other than that, fantastic job!

  20. Hello Corbin,

    I like how you told the "Cats and Mice" story in the light of the cats. This story was unique. The idea of a "Great War" between cast and mice is classic. I like how you portrayed the mice as being emotional and the cats wanted to prey on the emotions on the mice. You have a sense of humor too! I chuckled when I saw the cats called out the head muse, "General Cheese". This story has a lot of drama in it! That makes this story even better ! I love it. The picture that you used brought me back to the Tom and Jerry days.

    I actually did my own remake on the crane and the crab story and it is cool to see the story re-written through your eyes. I could really feel the sense of war because of the dialogue and the setting that you had in your story. You mentioned the character of the cats and you told us the environment of the of the mice. The mice did not have enough space and they did not have enough food resources.

  21. Hello Corbin, I really enjoyed reading through your portfolio, and I really liked the story “Cats and Mice” based off of “The Cunning Crane and the Crab.” I thought you did such a great job in picking different characters to use for the story. The whole “Cat vs Mice” and “Cat vs Dog” scenarios really made the story more relatable. I thought the ending was great and surprising when the dog came and saved the mice from the cat just before he was going to be devoured. I wonder if the mice and dogs will ever team up in a big war towards the cats. Also I thought that your story flowed really well throughout and was very well written. For your portfolio, I think that it is very well put together. Each slide is easy to read and very easy to navigate. One thing I may suggest that would put it over the top is to add different cover photos for each story. Overall I thought your portfolio was fantastic!
