Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Reading Notes: The Chase & Ravana and Sita, Part B

Form the "Part B" reading, I really enjoyed the stories The Chase as well as Ravana and Sita by Donald A. Mackenzie. I liked these stories because I believe I can make a great adventure story with the bases of these readings. I can also bring in the portion from "Part A" to tie along for the story writing that will be coming up this week.

The general plot of this story begins with the main antagonist of the epic (a man-eater) wanting to take Rama's wife Sita. Therefore, he plots with his friend a way to take her. He tells his friend to turn into a gold deer which Sita will want. Thus, she will have Rama leave to find the deer dead or alive. So, Rama leaves and has his brother stay with her.

Rama eventually kills the fake golden deer. As he is dying, he cries out to Sita in Rama's voice making her believe that her husband is in trouble. Therefore, she asks Rama's brother to go save him. As he leaves, the main antagonist to Rama is able to abduct his wife.

I will still be changing the characters in my story. I may potentially stem the plot of these two readings to a movie such as the Avengers (Thor, Loki, and Hela). I will also be changing the animal to which the antagonist's friend turns into. He may not even change into an animal. I am not sure yet. I believe Ramas greatest fear is losing his bride. Therefore, she is his greatest weakness.

Sita is tricked by the golden deer: Wikimedia 

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