Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Reading Notes: Battle Between Rama and Ravana, Part D

The Three stories that I read today are Rama Attacks by Sister Nivedita, Battle of Rama and Ravana by Sister Nivedita, and Ravana's Death by Donald A. MackenzieI picked these three stories because I believe they tie into together very nicely. In the first story, Rama Attacks, Rama has set off on a journey to fight Ravana and win back Sita. There is a great big war with animals and Rama is beating Ravana's armies pretty badly. Therefore, Ravana knowing he is losing the war tries to deceive Sita by saying Rama has lost the war and is dead. Therefore, Sita is heartbroken and wants to die. However, Ravana's general walks in and tells Ravana that he is needed for war. Sita now knows that it was a trick. In the next story, Battle of Rama and Ravana, there is an epic battle between Rama and Ravana. Rama uses his bow and shoots off a whole bunch of Ravana's head, but they keep growing back... Ravana uses one of his weapons that had a face with fangs and shot fire out of his mouth. In the last story, Rama finally defeats Ravana by using a fiery weapon that Brahma created to protect gods. Rama shoots it Ravana's heart and kills him. Therefore, Rama wins the wars is welcomed into the city. He wins back Sita. 

I believe I can tie this into my previous story with Thor, Loki, and Hela. I will definitely be focusing on the deception that Ravana uses on Sita. However, it will be with Loki. I may also use the weapons that were utilized in the war. I can go off on a side story of how Thor came into contact with Brahma and obtained this great weapon that kills Ravana (Brahmashtra).  I may also add a twist to the end. 

Rama vs. Ravana: Wikimedia 

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