Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Introduction to a Future Doctor

Hello, my name is Corbin Lee. I am currently a Senior here at the University of Oklahoma. My declared major is Chemical Biosciences, and I am trying to get into medical school. I would have to say that these past two semesters have been pretty hectic! With classes to study for, studying for the MCAT, being a peer learning assistant and volunteering, things can become a little stressful. However, I am willing to do anything in order to become a doctor. So, here is a little history of why I want to pursue medicine.  I can say that medicine has always been a part of my life. I remember the days when I was a naive child; I would steal my father's lab coat and stethoscope, take blood pressures and administer fake medications to my stuffed animals. Looking back on my childhood, I would spend most of my time at my parent's clinic working on my homework or just being a pest. However, as I reflect, I come to acknowledge that I was gifted the opportunity to personally observe my parents serving patients, teaching them, and diagnosing the diseases they came in with. I always found it fascinating how they were able to intricately isolate and identify patients diseases, considering the magnitude of complexity that the human body presents. As I grew older, my parents allowed me to help out in their clinic. Here I gained valuable knowledge that will one day help me in rotations. Some of the skills I learned included running the front desk, making referrals, and advocating for patients by obtaining prior authorizations. More importantly, I was taught how to take a patient’s vitals and obtain medical histories. My father was very keen on getting a thorough history. I remember him telling me that “obtaining a precise history helps put a convoluted puzzle in place and this can only be done by truly listening to what the patient has to say.” This piece of advice stuck with me. Therefore, I made it my goal to establish relationships with my parents’ patients. I got to know them, see them as friends and listen to the problems they faced on a daily basis. This passion for listening to people and serving them has further grown since this time and this drives me to continue pushing through my courses here in undergrad.

Picture of a device used by doctors: Stethescope 


  1. Hi Corbin! I have to say the route to becoming a doctor seems extremely stressful what with the MCAT, volunteering at clinics, being a great person outside of class, and maintaining grades in class. But it sounds like you're entering for great reasons, and I hope you get into the med school of your dreams. In the meantime, I hope this year goes great for you!

  2. I like the idea that you have seen yourself as a doctor almost all your life, Corbin! Teaching as a career was like that for me; of course there are all kinds of ways to be a teacher, but I always knew that somehow or other that was what I wanted to do. Maybe you can imagine yourself as a doctor in the world of the epics, tending to soldiers on the battlefield (both epics are full of battles as you will see), or dealing with other medical dilemmas that the epic characters face. One of the most famous medicine stories in the epics is when Hanuman must fly to the Himalayan mountains for medical herbs... and he brings back a whole mountain! Story of Hanuman and the Sanjeevani

  3. Hi Corbin! It is amazing to hear about how dedicated you are to being the best physician you can be. I was also a chemical biosciences pre-med major for two years. However, that was the life my family chose for me, and was not the life I wanted so I changed my major. But, it is so nice to hear about someone who is so passionate about it. You must be to make it in medicine. At the end of the day, it was not the right path for me but it darn sure seems like it is for you. Best of luck!

  4. Hi Corbin!
    I loved reading about how passionate you are about becoming a doctor. I can relate on how stressful it can be managing everything, but it's good that you have such commitment and are willing to work hard. It's not easy to pursue such a difficult career path, but you seem to be heading in the right direction. I hope you get to achieve your dream of becoming a doctor! Good luck!

  5. Hey Corbin,

    It is really cool seeing how excited and dedicated you are to becoming a doctor in the future. I can definitely see how busy you are having to manage everything going on with school but in the end it should all be worth it. It is also great to see how much your parents support you and how much they have taught you over the years.

  6. Hi, Corbin! It's great to see that you're so passionate about your future. I bet this year's going to get even more hectic, but all your hard work will pay off in the end! It's really cool that you got to watch your parents work and change lives as you grew up. Not many people get to experience that! I'm happy that you're on track to achieve all your goals. Good luck with everything to come!

  7. Hey Corbin! It seems like you are wanting to become a doctor for the right reasons and are on the difficult but right path to becoming one. I can only imagine how difficult it could be to juggle an outside life in college, volunteering, studying for classes while also studying for the MCAT, but kudos to you for getting it done! Good luck in this future semester and your future medical education!

  8. Hi Corbin! You have an incredible drive and passion for wanting to be a doctor. I think that's incredible. You're so lucky that you have had the opportunity to observe and help out with your parent's clinical work. I wish you the bet of luck as you continue pursuing medicine. It sounds like you're going to be a great doctor one day.

  9. Hi Corbin,

    I enjoyed reading your introduction. The path to med school is definitely a challenge, but it sounds like you have met that challenge remarkably well. It is so cool that you basically grew up in a clinical setting. I am sure that provided you with valuable knowledge that your future patients will definitely appreciate. Best of luck this semester and with med school!

    -Andy McDowell

  10. Hi Corbin! It is awesome that you are pursing in medicine. I am too applying this cycle for medical school and I know how difficult it can be. I wish there was a way that MCAT isn’t necessarily the most important thing for the applicant. It should always be about the person and who expresses his or her feelings as to why they believe that they will become a successful doctor. I wish you the very best and good luck.

  11. Hi Corbin,
    Nice to meet you! I really enjoyed your introduction. That is such a beautiful goal, to listen to people and serve them. Your passion for your major is evident and admirable. It sounds like you will be a great doctor! Having the sort of compassion you have for patients is so important. Patients always have to become very vulnerable at the doctor's office so having that kind of attitude is so supportive. Good luck on the MCAT, and I hope you are having a good semester!

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  13. Hi Corbin,
    It is great that you know exactly what you want to do and you are so dedicate to it. That is the excitement that everyone needs in the career they want to go in. That is what everyone should be like to really enjoy what they do and then it won’t feel like a job. I wish you the best for your future!

  14. Hi Corbin, I really enjoyed reading your introduction and getting to know a little more about you. I love that you have such a passion to become a doctor, it seems as if you are incredibly motivated to achieve your goal. I have heard the MCAT is super difficult along with Med school in general so I wish you the best of luck with that. It is awesome that your parents were so willing to help you with your dream and show you all that they know. Goodluck with your semester!

  15. Hey there Corbin! Thanks for sharing a little bit fo who you are with the class. I am also a pre-med student! I know exactly what you mean by everything being so stressful.... I plan to take the MCAT over spring break and I have to admit that I am totally freaking out. It is so great that you have parents that are in the medical field as well, my parents know absolutely nothing about medicine and it has been so difficult trying to explain to them some of the things that we are learning. I wish you all the best!

  16. Hey Corbin,

    I'm also a senior here at OU and although i'm not in chem biosciences, I know two of my friends who are! One has graduated and went to Korea to teach and the other is currently a junior. Who knows where life will take you after you graduate?! I hope you fulfill your ambitions of becoming a doctor. Good luck!

  17. Hi Corbin! That's awesome that you knew what job you wanted from the time you were very little. I was the same way! It's definitely surprising that you chose Medicine at that age since it's so complex. Then again, since your parents were in the field, I guess it shouldn't be too much of a surprise. Good luck with your MCAT and future career!

  18. Hey Corbin! I understand how hectic things can get but as Joe Dirt says, "Just keep on keepin' on"! You're almost to the end of this leg and you are well on your path to becoming a doctor. We need people who are compassionate and get into practicing medicine for the right reasons, people like you! Keep up the great work and realize that you are almost there!

  19. Hey Corbin! I'm a senior as well. It's so crazy to think half of our senior is almost done huh? I have been freaking out for the past few weeks about it. I think it's so cool that you want to go to med school and be a doctor! Reading your backstory on why you want to do that makes a lot of sense. You have great influences in your life. I hope you get into a great med school and get to fulfill your goal of being a doctor! Good luck on the rest of the semester!

  20. Hey Corbin! I totally can relate to the hectic semester. I wish you luck on your journey to medical school. My brother just graduated from OU Med this past May. From observing him, I can tell you that it is some seriously hard work to make it through med school, but you can definitely do it if you are passionate about it. When you get to interviews, don't be afraid to be yourself and to highlight the things that make you stand out from the rest of the stack of applications. Yo got this!

  21. Hey Corbin! Nice to meet you. I can really relate with you about a hectic and stressful semester! I’m also a senior and studying to take the LSAT to get into law school. I think that it’s great that you’ve known what you’ve wanted to do for a long time. Not only that, but you have had great opportunities to learn and grow into the career that you want from your parents! Good luck in your studies!

  22. Hi Corbin! It is so cool that you've had an interest in a medical career since you were young. It is also super awesome that you had so much exposure, letting you really get to know about that kind of life. I would love to see your medical knowledge really come to play in your stories, because it would be pretty interesting.
