Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Reading Notes: The Cunning Crane and the Crab, Part B

The Cunning Crane and the Crab, a story by W. H. D. Rouse was a great read! The story includes suspense, surprises, and twists. The story begins by explaining how a whole cluster of fish are caught out in a small pond that is depleting in water, especially since it is the Summer. They are experiencing a tremendous hardship because they lack comfort and food. However, just across the road, there is an extravagant lake that is deep, cool and has plenty of resources. But unfortunately, on the lake lives a hungry crane. He is very cunning and deceitful! He pries on the fishes disadvantages and in a malicious manner, empathizes them. He tells them that he will take them over to the lake in his beak. The fish do not believe him, so they send one fish over to see if he is telling the truth. So the crane takes the one-eyed fish over to the lake and brings him back to the others. He then begins to convince the other fishes to believe the crane. Therefore, one at a time, the crane takes a fish to a tree and eats them. After eating all the fish, the crane finds a very intelligent crab. Because the crane is so hungry he allows the crab to hang onto his neck as they fly over to the lake. The crane then realizes what he does and begs the crab for his life. The crab then begins to tell the crane that if he just leaves him in the lake he will not kill him. So the crane does so. Just as the crane leaves him in the lake, the crab snaps off the crane's neck.

I believe I could do a lot with this story. I may potentially change some characters around! Instead of a crane and crab, I could do a mouse and cat? I may also give the mouse a magical power (like the ability to read minds). He could then warn all the others about the cat's true intentions. However, I may also allow the antagonist to triumph in my story... We shall see. 

Picture of the malicious crane from the book The Giant Crab and other Tails from Old India! Crane

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