Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Story Lab: What makes a hero?

For today, I chose the story lab option because I have five stories. Today, I focused on the Ted-Ed video What makes a hero? by Matthew Winkler. I really enjoyed this video! Mr. Winkler discusses and analyzes the similarities between heroes in different stories. He calls it "The Hero Journey Myth." This idea is that all hero stories follow a similar path, which is a circle. He compares The Hunger Games and Harry Potter. Mr. Winkler states that the stories begin by 1. A call to adventure, 2. Assistance, 3. Departure, 4. Trials, 5. An approach, 6. Crisis, 7. Treasure, 8. The result, 9. Return, 10. New life, 11. A resolution, and 12. The new Status quo. Mr. Winkler states that a lot of great hero stories follow this circular path. Stories that contain this element are very relatable. We can use these stories as examples for real-life situations. For example, we all must one day be called to action, go on a journey and leave our comfort zone to ultimately reach our goals. As Joseph Campbell once said, "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek." 

A Cave: flickr 

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