Monday, October 15, 2018

Reading Notes: The Mahabharata video, Part A

It is week 9 and we are already halfway through the semester! I have started off strong in the course, now I'm going to finish strong.  Therefore, for this week reading of the Mahabharata, I watched the overview video The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution by EpifiedTV (India). I believe this was a great video that summarizes the Mahabharata. I also liked all the little doodles that were drawn as the story was told. To summarize what I have read so far, a king falls in love with a river goddess who agrees to marry him as long as he never questions her actions. Therefore, each time she gets pregnant she ends up drowning the child. After the 8th child, the king finally had enough and questions her. His wife ends up leaving him with the child. About 16 years later, the king sees a man with great bowmanship and figures out it were his lost son. He brings him back to the kingdom. The king then falls in love with a fisherman's daughter who won't let him marry his daughter. His son then goes to the fisherman and vows to be celibate if he would let his father marry his daughter. The fisherman agrees. Fast forwarding, this oath causes many problems for the kingdom because it is without a king. Having a long lost brother, he gets three ladies pregnant allowing for the kingdom to have a king. This is where part A finishes.
I believe I will be watching the rest of the videos for my reading assignments! I enjoy having a visual representation to what I have been reading in the past, and again, the doodles are awesome. I am looking forward to watching part B and Part C.

The Mahabharata: Wikimedia 

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