Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Reading Notes: The Mahabharata, Part B video

For today's reading note, I watched the overview video Part B The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution by EpifiedTV (India). I am really enjoying the videos that give an overview of The Mahabharata. The videos are very engaging. I would like to focus on episode 9 within the Part B series called Son of the Son

The story begins with a young women names Kunti. She is wise and full of life. Kunti lived in a kingdom where the people feared a sage. The sage would curse people for the slightest hiccups. However, Kunti was not afraid of the sage. She gave him attention and was nice to him. Therefore, before the sage left the kingdom, he gave Kunti a gift. A mantra. Kunti wondered why the sage gave her a mantra, and what it was for. The sage told her that the mantra was a way for her to summon any god she wanted. Soon after the sage left, Kunti tested the gift of the sage. She looked at the sun and repeated the mantra. Immediately after she finished, a blinding presence was before her. It was the sun god. She was shocked that the gift was real. Kunti could not even answer the god when he asked why she was summoned. However, before she knew it, the god took her up in his embrace and then left. Kunti looked down and in her arms was the most beautiful child she had ever seen. She could sense that the boy was destined for greatness. He was clothed in armor and had gold earrings. However, Kunti was heartbroken. For she was not even married. Thus, having a child without being wedded would produce a bad image. The took the boy down to the river, put him in a basket, and sent him down the river. She cried and asked the sun god to watch over the boy. Kunti had to do what no mother should ever have to do. 
A River: Wikimedia 

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