Monday, October 1, 2018

Reading Notes: Mahabharata, Part D

For today's reading,  I will be finishing up the Mahabharata reading part D. Out of the readings from part D I enjoyed the very last story The Afterlife by Donald A. Mackenzie. I was interested to read what Heaven and Hell were depicted as in the Indian Epics.

In the story The Afterlife, Yudhisthira finally made it into Heaven. He was welcomed by Indra and was informed that only he had made it. His brethren did not make it into Heaven because they had fallen short during their time on earth. Yudhisthira was sad and disappointed at this news. Therefore, he asked to be taken where his brethren were. He believed he should not spend eternity away from them. Therefore, a celestial being took Yudhisthira to Hell where his brethren were. Yudhisthira was shocked by the very sight. He saw true darkness, mutilated corpses, and streets that were made of blades. He wanted to leave immediately. However, he heard the voices of this friends and family. He came to the decision that he wanted to be left here with them. However, at this moment, the gods appeared and all the horror left and dissipated before his very eyes. The gods informed him that they were putting him through a test to see if he was truly good. He had passed.

Yudhisthira was then taken to Heaven and his earthly body was washed away. He became a celestial being. He was then taken to Swarga where all his friends and family were, along with all things he loved on the earth.   

The story finished with Indra welcoming everyone to Heaven. He stated " All mortals rise to eternal bliss, casting off their mortal deeds, by uttering gentle words, and by enduring all suffering with patience. This holy life is prepared for you."

Heaven: Max Pixel 

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